Justin Hsu | VP of Finance

Year: Junior
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Changhua, Taiwan
Pronouns: he/him

Hi Everyone! I'm Justin Hsu, and I'm currently a Junior majoring in Accounting. I'm thrilled to be part of BAP for my third semester, and it has been an incredible experience meeting such wonderful people and learning about the Accounting industry! Beyond BAP, I have a strong passion for tax. If you're interested in learning more about individual tax and how to file your own tax return, I highly recommend joining BAP and participating in VITA for community services.

As a transfer student myself, I understand the challenges of transitioning to a new university. That's why I'm also a peer mentor for the Leventhal Transfer Program. If you've recently transferred to USC, I encourage you to join BAP. We're here to support you in navigating your academic journey and achieving your goals.

Last summer, I had an incredible opportunity to intern at KPMG as an Embark Scholar to rotate within Audit, Tax and Advisory practices. If any of you have questions about the recruiting process or KPMG culture, feel free to reach out to me. I'll be more than happy to help.

I'm excited to get to know each and every one of you! Let's make this semester a memorable and rewarding one together!